2e Corner: Is giftedness a disability?
Is giftedness a disability?
This term, I ask the question, “Is giftedness a disability?” I’ve heard various answers, but nothing really solid. So I thought I’d ask my own 2e-er, Miss 8 what she thought and here’s what she said:
“Well to me, disability means needing extra support. I’m autistic, so I need extra support like headphones when I’m somewhere noisy. I’m ADHD, so I need medication to help me focus. I am also gifted, and for that I need access to an information tap that is always flowing. So, yes, I think giftedness is a disability because I need extra support to make sure that information tap is always on.”
I love this answer and how Miss 8 views disability as meaning requiring extra support, nothing more or less. To her, disabled isn’t a dirty word, merely a label that helps her access the supports she needs. I also love how she has already identified what supports are required for each disability and that giftedness needs access to a constant source of information at all times. Thank goodness we live in a time where information is so easy for to access, even if it can be a bit overwhelming.
With best wishes,
Sabrina, author of the 2E Corner