
The Gifted Support Network offers a range of resources to support families navigating raising and educating gifted children. 


We are now selling the contents of our library because we are developing a series of online webinars for members instead. You can buy our second-hand library books here. There are heaps of fantastic books that we've collected over the years and they're all $5 each. 


Born to Soar

Born to Soar are specialists in gifted education: "Our student courses are designed to specifically address the mind of a gifted thinker, to be challenging and fast-paced while allowing for a deep, rich exploration of concepts and ideas. Courses are aligned to the Australian Curriculum and can be undertaken at school or at home." 


CHIP (Children of High Intellectual Potential) Foundation

CHIP run maths, English and scholarship preparation classes and holiday programs in various locations around Melbourne.

Phone: 0448 880 331



Australian psycho-educational resources for teachers and parents prepared by Dr Stewart Sykes, Psychologist; former Director of Krongold Centre for Exceptional Children, Monash University, Australia.


Exceptional Children

Exceptional Children is a psychological consultancy specialising in children who have special learning needs.  Dr Gail Byrne is their principal psychologist and is also a teacher and Coordinator of Individual Differences. For the past nine years, she has served as Chairperson of the CHIP (Children of High Intellectual Potential) Foundation. She has many years experience working with children who may not be experiencing success in the classroom for any number of reasons.

Phone Dr Gail Byrne: 9889 3381

Mobile: 0414 738 027


Gifted Children website

A great website with heaps of information.


Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)

US-based nonprofit organisation that empowers families and communities to guide gifted and talented individuals to reach their goals: intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Has a useful library of books and resources.



Programs for gifted children in schools. School holiday programs.

Phone: 9894 2116

Hoagies' Gifted Education Page

American “all-things-gifted resource that you've been searching for.” Hoagies' Gifted Education Page offers resources, articles, books and links for Parents, for Educators, Counselors, Administrators and other Professionals, and for Kids & Teens.


Home Education Network (HEN)

For homeschooling events and resources and plenty of advice if you are considering homeschooling as an option.

Parent support groups

Programs for kids and help for parents. 


Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children Inc (VAGTC)

The VAGTC has, as its primary interest, the welfare of gifted and talented children throughout Victoria.

Phone: 0402 056 140


Articles on the Gifted and Talented - a selection of articles that you may like to browse

A report for the Council and Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) Feb 28th 2006 – from Northern Ireland Curriculum website

Bright Kids at Home - An American website about homeschooling kids. 

From “the saddest sound” to the D Major chord: The gift of accelerated progression - An interesting article about acceleration.

Homeschool Diner - American website about homeschooling gifted students. 

How to Nourish and Nurture a Gifted Child with ADHD - ADDitude  Magazine 

Procrastination: The Procrastinator's Guide to the Galaxy and other important spots in the Universe by Deirdre V Lovecky.

Twice-Exceptional Students - from the National Association for Gifted Children (USA) 

Yellow Readis - Conversations on twice exceptional homeschooling, including this great article about the best books for parents of gifted kids.


As a benefit of membership we offer information sessions for parents and teachers with professional guest speakers.

Topics include identification, asynchronous development, acceleration, underachievement and more. 

We offer discounted entry to information sessions and other activities for members. 

Upcoming events and seminars can be found on our events page.

We are also in the process of developing a range of webinars for members. We'll let you know about these resources via the email newsletter we send to members each term.